Loosing track of your expenses?

Get Savvy

Easy to use.
No strings attached.

Savvy is the easy to use, free web-app to log and track your expenses, whose business plan does not include selling your data to third parties. How is that possible? Simple. Savvy does not have a business plan. Savvy is a passion project from a bunch of FIRE/ERE aspiring community members. Savvy was developed to meet personal needs that were not satisfied by any other app. And since the app was done, why not release it to the public to help others change their spending bad habits?

An in-depth breakdown
of your expenses.

So what are you waiting for?

It's Free!




"I would love to find a personal finance app that is expensive, over complicated and that spies on me."

No One • Ever

"But wait… that was not a testimonial!"

You • Attentive Reader

"Well played, attentive reader! Well, if you try the app and you are happy with it — we'd love to hear from you!"

The Team • Savvy



Savvy is tailored on people who are venturing into the world of personal finance for the first time.


Savvy does just one thing, but does it very well: it keeps track of your expenses.


No excel spreadsheet with voodoo formulas. No hours of efforts to set up and configure the app to do complicated budgeting only to realize you got your categories wrong. Savvy just works.


Savvy breaks your expenses down in an easy and accessible way. Just start logging your expenses, and see where it makes sense for you to cut a few weeks from now.


Savvy is not connected to your credit card. This means that you only log what you want to log, in the exact category you want to log it. And we don't sell your data to third parties.


Personal Finance is, well... personal. That's why Savvy is highly customizable, so that you can enjoy as much as possible using the app, down to the last detail.

Expat Friendly

As an expat it can become really difficult to track your expenses. Savvy supports multiple currencies, and does the math for you.*

*Being Savvy a free app, at this time the exchange rates are fixed in time, and they provide only approximate conversion. However, this feature may be improved in the future.


Savvy is responsive. This means the user experience is seamless whether you are using it through desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile platforms. All you need is a browser and an internet connection.

Always With You

It's very easy to add it to the homescreen of your phone and use it as an app. But it won't take space on your phone.

Learn how to add Savvy to your phone homescreen on iPhone or Android"


Besides the cheerful and happy vibe of the user interface, Savvy comes with a set of widgets which will let you see, data at hand, how much your change of lifestyle lets you save.


Savvy follows industry standards security practices and is based on renowned open source packages.


Savvy was created to provide who wants to change their spending habits with an easy to use alternative to other personal finance apps already on the market. And, since the goal is saving — let's start from the very app supposed to help you save.

Feedback & Support

To provide feedback or request support,
please drop a line to info@molnapps.com .
We'd love to hear from you!